We care about the fate of our planet. That’S why all our actionS are
leading to a SuStainable future and environmental protection.
Solar panelS
We have inStalled 1,100 Solar panelS, 1,800 more to follow
1,100 Solar panelS on the Mayaland roof
The solar panels on the Mayaland roof are definitely not our last step. In the coming months,
we will be installing more solar panels on the POP Airport roof. The size of the POP Airport
roof will allow us to install another 1,800 solar panels, which will enable us to generate 70
per cent of the electricity we consume at POP and Dinosauria Museum Prague.

otto Jerman
“Mayaland is visited by up to 2,000 children and their parents every day – they can enjoy 13 attractions in a roofed hall covering over 9,000 square metres. Since operational efficiency is crucial for us, the investment of more than CZK 11 million in solar panels is logical. We expect a payback period of approximately five years. But money is not the main thing. Thanks to the solar power plant, we save the environment. We don’t have to take the amount of energy from the grid the production of which in a coal-fired power station would require 120 tonnes of coal, 8 million litres of water and 215 tonnes of carbon dioxide. POP Airport’s roof is even bigger than that of Mayaland. This allows us to install another 1,800 panels so we will be able to generate approximately 70 per cent of the electricity consumed by the outlet centre and Dinosauria Museum Prague.”
We have built 25 charging StationS for electric carS
moSt charging StandS for electric carS in the czech republic
Charge your electric car without waiting in the POP Airport shopping centre, which, in cooperation with ČEZ, the operator of the largest Czech network of public charging stands, has installed a total of 20 new charging stations in the internal car park at entrance C. Two electric cars can refuel at each of them at the same time. The existing five charging stations in the car park in front of POP Airport have been joined by new public charging stands. In total, the charging hub in Tuchoměřice can supply emission-free energy to fifty electric cars at the same time.
We plant greenery
We recycle
We educate

bee educational trail
At Dinosauria Museum Prague, we acquaint visitors with facts from the long history of our planet. The more perceptive ones will surely realize how negligible the stage of humanity is in this history and ask themselves whether we are doing our best to preserve humanity or, on the contrary, everything we can to end up like the dinosaur exhibits in the museum.
hiStory of the planet
At Mayaland, we are working on an educational bee trail for children and their parents to
popularize the topic of bees and beekeeping in the context of the environment, biodiversity
and sustainability. Visitors can explore the fascinating world of bees and beekeepers in a
playful and modern way and learn important facts about the life of this endangered species.
Bees are dying out all over the world so it is time to realize what the consequences may be.
A significant amount of the crops grown by our farmers depend on bee pollination. If plants
were deprived of pollination, we would lose up to three-quarters of our food supply. So if we
want to preserve all the plants, smells and colours of the world, the bee must survive.
,,The truth is: the natural world is changing. And we are totally dependent on that world. It provides our food, water and air. It is the most precious thing we have and we need to defend it."
to find uS
252 67 Tuchoměřice
Nové Město (Praha 1), 110 00,
IČO: 10725008, DIČ: CZ10725008,
registered at the Municipal Court in Prague, file number C 347304